Wheel Chair Policy

Wheel Chair Policy of NOEL Services

It is the policy of NOEL Services Inc. to provide wheelchairs upon request and to meet our passengers traveling needs traveling to and from the city of Dallas.


Company Contact Info.

Name of Company……………………..NOEL Services Inc.

Owner…………………………………….……..Nasreen Marian

Address…………….314 E Apollo Rd Garland, TX 75040



Rate List

Down-town Dallas Hotel to DFW……………….…$45.00

Market center to DFW………………………………….$45.00

Park cities to DFW…………………………………………$45.00

Richardson to DFW……………………………………….$55.00

Plano to DFW………………………………………………$60.00

Hourly Rates:

$55.00 per hr; 3 hrs minimum for Towncar

$69.00 per hr; 3hrs minimum for SUV


How to make complaints to the City of Dallas

Our policy is to display the driver’s information, including full name, phone number, and permit and vehicle information. We will also provide the phone to the City of Dallas which is 214-670-3161.


Zero Tolerance Policy

NOEL Services has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to our drug and alcohol consumption. Our employees also follow a zero misbehavior policy with our clients. NOEL Services has a strict adherence to the city and state laws, statues, and the rules and regulations.

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